
E-cigs help us keep smoking green

E-smoking is clearly becoming more and more mainstream. This is not only evident by the amount of media coverage green cigarettes receive and the number of vapor clouds you can spot while walking around town, but perhaps also by the amount of e-cig litter found on the ground.
A recent news story says that as the e-cig industry evolves and expands, the evidence for this growth is witnessed by the increasing amount of litter making it onto our city streets, sidewalks and public parks. And while the only source the article cites references cigarette butt litter (so who knows if their claim about e-cigs is accurate or not), nevertheless it provides us with great opportunity to talk about the important—yet often neglected—topic of proper e-cig disposal.
One of the great things about green cigarettes is their reusability. The simple fact that e-cigs can recharged over and over again drastically cuts back on waste production compared to traditional smoking, where a few puffs is all you get out of a cigarette. Even disposable e-cigs, which allow people to try e-smoking before they invest in a reusable device, is good for about 500 puffs—much longer than your average cigarette.
Please visit our Online Store if you wanna give e-cigs a shot!


Electronic cigarette terminology

Electronic cigarettes are getting pretty advanced, aren’t they? If you do any amount of research on advanced vaping products, you are bound to come across what may seem like a whole new language! If you are wondering what a certain term means, or would like some clarification on whether you’re using a term correctly, this handy little guide should help! When it comes to vaping culture, we understand how important it is to flaunt the right lingo!
Analog. You know, the opposite of digital; the way it was back in the day. This term is a reference to traditional cigarettes as they are completely not digital.
Atomizer. The element of the e-cigarette that does the work heating and vaporizing the liquid.
Atty. AKA the Atomizer.
AVP’s. Abbreviated for Advanced Personal Vaporizers. These are super common, and basically encompass the majority of vaporizers that are commercially available. If you use a vaporizer, that is not a standard 2-piece e-cig, such as the Express, it can be considered an AVP.
Carto AKA the Cartomizer. The unit that attaches to the battery that is combination of a cartridge and atomizer.
Dripping. The act of using a Drip Tip when vaping. Those who are big on this method cite superior flavor and the best vapor production comes as a result of it.
Drip Tip. An accessory that works with the atomizer or cartomizer. They provide an open mouthpiece, and gives the user the ability to drip the liquid directly onto the atomizer. It’s a distinct method for vaping, and some people are really into it.
eGo. A loose term for vaporizers that use 510 threads, and are used with other 510 components, with a very large battery.
Mods. This term has been in existence for a while, and it originally stood for “modification.” It has come to refer to any type of vaporizer, any type of advanced vaping model. It’s used pretty loosely, and it certainly doesn’t refer to basic e-cigs.
Ohm. A unit of measurement of electrical resistance. The lower the number, the lower the resistance, which makes it heat faster.
Vaping Pens. Another clever term used for AVP’s, check out our Pro vaporizerJet vaporizer, andPulse vaporizer models!
Vaporizers. Any type of advanced electronic cigarette, that provides a large, powerful battery and utilizes e-liquid as opposed to disposable cartridges.


Electronic cigarettes and Research: Where We Stand

One of the biggest topics when it comes to electronic cigarette debates is research. The FDA says enough research has not been done, and consumers are always curious about advancements. Here is a look at what currently know in regards to medical research.
1. Medical research. Thus far, the majority of the research on electronic cigarettes has been focusing on their effects on health, especially in regards to their risks and benefits. These have been done by a number of institutions, including government, universities, and those sponsored by the industry itself.
2. Toxicology and carcinogens. Another major area of focus when it comes to e-cigarettes is the subject of carcinogens. Enormous amounts of research have been done on cigarettes and their carcinogenic properties, and people want to know where e-cigarettes lie in the matter. Studies have been done to test the chemical composition of electronic cigarettes, and the results of toxic findings ranged from 9 to 450 times less than those from cigarette smoke, and with some toxic levels that were comparable to the trace amounts that were produced by the inhaler.
3. Lungs and heart. The effects of e-cigarettes on the heart and lungs have had a decent amount of scientific research coverage, as traditional tobacco cigarettes do the most damage to the these areas. Interestingly, when using vapor, the smokers experienced just a slight increase in blood pressure, and very little increase in heart rate. By comparison, however, after smoking a tobacco cigarette, the smoker’s heart rate and blood pressure would soar.
Electronic cigarettes have gotten big, so big in fact that people want more thorough research, and it will most certainly be needed to aid in legislative efforts. Research is essentially a great thing, as the more we know, the better products we can develop.


How can you improve your taste bud by vaping with Starbuzz?

There are a number of changes you can expect by switching from your old cigarettes to new smokeless ones. For one, you won’t have to deal with the terrible odor of smoke and ash getting everywhere—onto your clothes, furniture, in your car, and even your hair. Also, you won’t be spending as much in the long run on smoking supplies since electronic cigarettes are a more cost-effective option. What you may not expect, however, are the changes your taste buds will go through after transitioning to smokeless cigarettes.
If you are a regular smoker, you know all-too-well how cigarettes can dampen and dull your taste buds, leaving you unable to pick out subtle flavors, spices, and seasonings. The good news for smokers is vaping can help your taste buds return to full strength.
Here at Starbuzz, we provide you with a wide array of options when it comes to choosing an e-cigarette flavor, whether you like the taste of regular tobacco cigarettes, or are partial to sweet or succulent flavors.
For instance, vapor smokers craving the full-bodied tobacco taste they once got from their Marlboro, Pal-Mal, Winston, or Lucky Stripe cigarettes might consider classic tobacco flavored e-cigarettes. Whereas, smokers who enjoyed Kent, Parliament, Camel, or American Spirit brand cigarettes should give Pirate’s Cave, Code 69, Green Savior, Queen of Sex and Sex on the Beach a try. Menthol cigarette smokers ought to consider Simply Mint and White Mint e-cigarettes, and vapor smokers who are feeling more adventurous, or want to satisfy a sweet tooth, can order flavors like: Blue Mist, Sweet Melon, Simply Mango, Pink, Irish Peach, Golden Grape, and Apple Doppio.