Weight loss is about more than self-control and scheduling. Planning strategies can certainly help a dieter make better food decisions during the day and complete regular workouts, but if discipline alone was the key to weight loss, then a lot more people would be skinny.
If you want to support your loved one as they try to lose weight, your best bet is simply to ask how you can help. And if that doesn’t work, one weight loss forum participant summed up the best advice: “if you can't be kind, or if you are uncomfortable, then say nothing.”
There are physical, medical and emotional components to losing weight. Rather than telling your friend what they need, try asking questions about what they need, instead. Say, “what can I do to help?” or “is there any way that I can support you?”
Unless you have a badge and a uniform, you are not the food police. It's not your job to chime in if your friend eats a food that you don't agree with. Every diet is different and every eating plan allows for different foods and portions. None of us has the right or the expertise to comment on someone else’s eating behavior. If you are really trying to be supportive, then fill your own plate with healthy food and enjoy your own diet-friendly meal.
A decision to go on a diet is not a proclamation that you hate your body or live an unhappy life. It is simply a decision to diet. That’s all. Very few people, whether they are dieting or not, would invite an armchair analysis of their personal happiness, so don’t provide one.